Slitter Rewinder Machine

CONPAPTEX manufactures Drum Type Slitter Rewinder Machine for:
Drum Type Slitter Rewinder Machine for Polyester,
Drum Type Slitter Rewinder Machine for Stretch Film
Drum Type Slitter Rewinder Machine for Aluminium Foil
Heavy Duty Slitter Rewinder Machine
Web width 1000mm to 2500mm
Heavy duty side wall to ensure vibration free running at
high speed.
Drum Rollers with hard chrome.
High efficiency Blower to collect the trim
Independent mechanical clutch assembly
All drive through gears for Main drum NIP Roller and DC
Auto Tension Control
Auto Web Aligner
Light Duty Slitter Rewinder Machine
New Arrival from CPT!!
CONPAPTEX introduces Slitter Rewinder Machines (Light &
Heavy Duty) with Timing Belt Arrangement for noise-free smooth
Light Duty Slitter Rewinder Machine from CPT for ultimate
slitting and rewinding works.
Light Duty Machine ensures perfect slitting of rolls with
consistent flawless quality and constant line speed.
It is available in adaptable model to suit your requirement.
Web Width : up to 1250 mm.
Max. Dia. of stock roll : 18"
Dia. of finished roll : 8"
Hydraulic Web Aligner Unit
Razor Blade Assembly for slitting
Power requirement : 2 - 5 hp
Technical Specifications:
Unwind Station fitted with shaft, Core, Cone, Check nut &
Mechanical Break on Unwind Frame.
Big Drum Roller and Small Drum Roller with hard chrome.
Dancing Roll Assembly for slack compensating.
1 Nos. Rubber Nip Roller Assembly fitted with Gear box with
10 Nos. Razor Balancer Blade Holder with Blade fixing
1 HP High Efficiency Trim Balancer blower with square pipe
to collect the Trim.
2 Nos. Rewinding shaft with Cone, Check Nut and Fixing
Collar with through-out key way on shaft.
2 Nos. Mechanical independent clutch assembly fitted on
shaft with Rewinder-Arm.
Individual step ring Holder for 76 mm core (10 set supply as
standard accessories)...
1 No. Rubber Nip Roller Assembly with eccentric Arm with
bearing for gripping.
All Drives through Gear for Main Drum Nip Roller and DC
5 HP DC Main Drive Motor with Control with ON-OFF switch,
speed regulating, Emergency stop, MCB Connector in the Panel.
Web Aligner (Hydraulic Power Pack) Unit Complete with all
necessary accessories suitable for this machine.
Timing Belt Arrangement for noise-free smooth working
"Line Guide System"
Extra Razor Blade Holder (10 Nos. each are standard supply
with machine)
Extra Circular Cutter and Bottom Cutter (10 Nos. each are
standard supply with machine)
Extra Step Ring (20 Nos. each are standard supply with
"Tension Control System" for Unwind and Rewinding
Extra Shaft for any smaller size
AC Drive instead of DC Drive
Surface Type Slitter Rewinder Machine